Name: Natália Gimenes de Azevedo
Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 26/04/2017

Namesort ascending Role
Marta Zorzal e Silva Advisor *

Examining board:

Namesort ascending Role
Remo Mutzenberg External Alternate *
Marta Zorzal e Silva Advisor *
Igor Suzano Machado Internal Alternate *
Elísio Macamo External Examiner *
Adelia Maria Miglievich Ribeiro Internal Examiner *

Summary: The aim of this work is to highlight the meanings of the speeches given by the former president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, from 2003 to 2010, promoting international cooperation with the African continent. We seek to analyze the implications of the arguments based on the concepts of solidarity and historical debt to promote a European model development based on the concept of modernization and progress. This paper also seek to understand how the social relation of power works on discursive bases. For this, we followed the Chouliaraki and Fairclough’s (1999) method of discursive analysis. The work consists in a historical presentation of the process of Africa’s colonization and the feeling of unity that culminates in the wars of decolonization. Subsequently, we present a debate about development questioning the consequences of foreign investments in Africa considering de differences between vertical and horizontal cooperation. The discursive analysis brings the relation between the socio-historical scenario previously presented and Lula's discursive production directed to the African continent during his two presidential mandates, showing how the ideological implications is related to the materiality of discourse. Finally, we conclude that, although the South appears with emphasis in the discourses of Lula, we can see a reproduction (continuity) of the relations of subalternization occurred in the vertical relations. However, there are also discontinuities that demonstrate a process of transformation, but not of rupture.

Keywords: Africa - Brazil - Cooperation - Development - South-South Cooperation – Discourse analyses

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